Saturday 15 August 2015

How to add any application to path variable in Linux mint Rafaela (or any debian disto) [Easy way (GUI)] | Abhishek Singh

hey fellas today I'm gonna show you how to add any application to Path without disturbing the path variable. so that you can access it via terminal.

so 1st of all download any application  in tar.gz form i'm taking sublime text editor as an example.
extract it any where in your file system where you want, but be carefull if you move that folder after setting the path variable it won't work you have to again do these steps if you move the folder.

okay now after you extract it open the folder and select the application see the image below.

after that press ctrl+m it will make a link to this application in the same folder.


now open the root folder (/) by superuser privilege that is just open your file system and root folder and right click any where then select open as root. fill the password and hit <enter>.

now move that link in your application folder to the folder /bin
rename the "Link to sublime" to "sublime". Its done ;]

now just open your terminal and type sublime hit <enter> you'r Up :)

thanks for reading, see ya later buddies...

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