Saturday 28 February 2015

Solution of Black Blank Display after booting and Brightness control Problem in Linux mint (Ubuntu) | Abhishek Singh

hey guys !!! 
                    Today i'm with a new problem you all have faced/facing in Linux (Mint or Ubuntu).

the problem is you are not able to control your brightness either with you keyboard's shortcut buttons or by brightness bar in power setting.
[specially in Dell laptops with AMD display card.]

[For Black Blank display after booting read the last section of this Post.]

you may also face this problem in laptops with other graphics card...

But i'm here with AMD card and Linux mint OS, you can try it on other as well...

firstly install proprietary driver (fglrx or fglrx-updates for AMD/ATI card)

If you are able to on you Linux mint.. 
Go to System setting > driver manager you are prompted for password, go on. (Linux mint)

  Otherwise start it in compatibility mode by selecting option from grub boot loader (if you don't have grub as if you install only Linux mint or Ubuntu on your PC then go to last section of this article) and then continue.

now you have to select driver fglrx and click apply change.. (Internet connection required)

(Just copy and paste the codes below to avoid errors.)

Open you terminal and type without quotes >>>
   "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub"                    (if asked for password type it and say ok)

now in open "gedit" window find the line looks like >>>


...... and change it to this >>>

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor"

...... then save and exit.

Now open terminal and type without quotes >>>

"sudo update-grub"

you are asked for password in terminal type it and press enter (The password typing is fully invisible not even dots are shown in terminal)

when finished close the terminal and reboot your machine..

Here you go : your problem is solved :)

if you don't have grub... (Installing fglrx display driver without starting Linux mint in compatibility mode)

         Just open you machine and wait to boot up the OS now it goes blank or shows X server error or something like that then press ctrl+alt+F2 

it should come to command line interface. Here enter your username and password and then type >>>

              "sudo apt-get install fglrx" (without quotes and internet connection required)

              after this you are asked for confirmation press 'y' and then enter..

Now wait for the process to complete and then reboot your machine by typing >>>

               "sudo reboot"  type you password and then enter 

here you go, now you can configure your PC for brightness control mentioned above

Thanks for reading..

Comment your valuable feedback or you face any problem doing this or this is not working for you device... Good Luck

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