Monday 16 February 2015

Solution of Black blank screen after login in windows. | Abhishek Singh

hey guys...!
       many of you faced/facing a problem in windows 7 or 8/8.1
your PC leaves you on a blank blank screen with mouse pointer      after you login  although your windows task manager is opening by pressing "Alt+Ctrl+Delete" or "Ctrl+Shift+Esc" .

Then this solution is for you !!

Reason : Any Application messing up with your windows explorer.

Solution :
Open you pc until you get your balnk black screen with the mouse pointer as usual. 
Then open windows task manager by pressing "Alt+Ctrl+Delete" and selecting task manager or directly open it by pressing "Ctrl+Shift+Esc". 

Now if you have "more details" 'on' as usually it do...
if not click on the button shown below..

After the "more details" is set on or you have already.

 Then under "Processes" Tab search for "explorer.exe"  or "Windows Explorer" right click on it and select "End Task".

Now press the button on keyboard "Windows+R" i.e. "Run" button or alternatively go to upper left corner in task manager click on "File" and select "Run new task" then type "explorer" without quotes in the dialog box. and click "ok".

Here you go.

you should have got your system back.. :)

But this is not it, restart your system now. If after restarting again you find the same black screen. repeat the process above. and now go to control panel and uninstall any newly installed application or any application that you are not using since long time. (Remember, the less you install application on windows the faster it's response will be.)

Thanks for reading :)
comment your valuable feedback or if you get any problem doing this.

Cuer - Note, Reminder & Alarm

A life savior app which I made for myself is now available on play store. Simple, light and smooth note taking app with Alarm and reminder with date and time both.

Set 3 types of Notes.
1. Simple Notes (quickly save anything important)
2. Reminders (drops a notification on given time and date)
3. Alarms (sounds and alarm on given time and date)

Give it a go 2 MB app size only and No Ads.

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