Saturday 15 August 2015

How to setup Path Variable in Liunx Mint Rafaela (Debian) [Easy way] | Abhishek Singh

Hello fellas...
          today i'm gonna tell you how to set path variable in linux mint.

what is the basic concept behind this is we gonna edit a file and whenever you open a terminal window it will remove the previous PATH value and load the new from that file. so here we go

first of all open your terminal and type echo $PATH .see the image below

now copy the PATH.

now open the folder /etc with root user privilege.
i.e. normally open the file system and go to /etc right click anywhere and select open as root type the password and hit <enter>.

now search for the file bash.bashrc

open it and add lines in the end

"export PATH=" then paste the path value you copied from the terminal after that give a colon (:) and type your path of the application you want to add see the image below for help.

here i'm adding sublime text editor which is located in /home/<username>/Programs/Sublime/Sublime.
in my case username is hacktivist.

now save the file. and you are up ;]

for sureness open your terminal and type the application name which is in /home/<username>/Programs/Sublime/Sublime  [in my case]

see the image :)

That's it. thanks for reading.. see you all later with new post.

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