Saturday 12 September 2015

Permanently mount or auto mount any NTFS partition on startup like windows in Linux mint, Ubuntu or Kali linux | Abhishek Singh

Hey guys !!!
        many of you have ever wondered that your NTFS partition should be automatically mounted when you start your beloved Linux OS like mint, Ubuntu or Kali..
     It is very easy although not popular guys..
Now, simple open the menu of your OS [mint, Ubuntu or Kali]
search for the application 'Disks' (Obviously without quotes ;] )
now open it and select your partition in the give chart or picture of Volumes..

confused ?? see the picture given below..

in my case i select the partition 2 which is NTFS and of 400 GB
now click the gear (more option)...

now turn off the 'automatic mount option'
and check the 'mount at startup' checkbox
as well as check 'show in user interface' checkbox
hit ok and it's done.. see the image

you are good to go restart the machine and see the result ;]
Happy coding ;]

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