Thursday 3 November 2016

App can't open with built in administrator account Windows10 [Solved]

Hey guys, What's up ?
        Toady I am gonna tell you a simple solution to the most annoying(sometimes) problem in Windows. Oh, of course I am talking about the MicroSoft Windows. :D

Okay, many of you guys face this problem that says "<Any app> can't open with built in administrator account". Well it is good for security reasons but it annoy me so much when happens.

Ok let's Jump to the solution straight.

1. Go to the "control panel" and then "User Accounts".
2. Click on "Change user account control setting".
now put the bar at the 3rd option from the bottom. see the below Image.

Now click "ok" and restart your PC. your problem should be solved. If not comment here.
See you later, alright ?
Peace. ;] 

Cuer - Note, Reminder & Alarm
A life savior app which I made for myself is now available on play store. Simple, light and smooth note taking app with Alarm and reminder with date and time both.

Set 3 types of Notes.
1. Simple Notes (quickly save anything important)
2. Reminders (drops a notification on given time and date)
3. Alarms (sounds and alarm on given time and date)

Give it a go 2 MB app size only and No Ads.